Here’s Another Truth: God is not “love”

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

We hear and see this slogan fairly often: “God is love.” This slogan is everywhere. It is on t-shirts, signs, commercials, bumper stickers, and many other locations.

The God I worship — which is the God of the Bible — is the Almighty, Sovereign, Omnipotent, Most High, Creator, Redeemer God: Yahweh. Yahweh says He is, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:9 NKJV). Yahweh is eternally present, eternally self-existing, immeasurable, and beyond our comprehension. The One and only true God is many things, but “love” is not one of them.

Let us first be crystal clear in defining what society means when they say “love.” The “love” referenced is not the love of the Bible. The “love” of society is a sappy and unbiblical love. It is unbiblical in the sense that this “love” approves everything that God/Yahweh abhors. This “love” condones: covetousness, disobedience, unrighteousness, sexual immorality, abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, idolatry, polytheism, theft, lust, and everything else referenced in Romans 1. This “love” is not true love.

True love is the love of the Bible. True love is found in the often quoted, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:16–17 KJV). More often than not, verse 17 is neglected. Verse 17 demonstrates how much God/Yahweh loves His people. We as human beings are sinful. Sin causes us to be separated from the holiness of God. The penalty or “wages” of sin is death (Romans 6:23). God truly loves and cares for us, so He sent Christ to the Earth in order to bear the punishment for our sin. God loved us so much, that we in and through Him, may not suffer the consequences of our sin, but through Him have eternal life. Yahweh loves us enough to offer us the only way to not suffer his eternal wrath. This is the epitome of love. What God through Jesus/Yeshua the Christ has done for us is love not “love.”

Let us not forget that Yahweh has demonstrated His wrath throughout time. Yahweh is the same God that destroyed the Earth by flood due to the wickedness on the Earth (Genesis 7:17–24). Yahweh is the same God that destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for a plethora of sins (Genesis 19:24–29). Yahweh is the same God that unleashed ten plagues upon the Egyptians from Exodus chapters 7 through 12. Yahweh is the same God that was going to unleash His wrath upon the Israelites by wiping them out due to worshipping the golden calf (Exodus 32:7–10). Yahweh is the same God that caused the ground to open and swallow up the rebelling Israelites, as well as sent down fire from heaven to consume them (Numbers 16:28–35). Yahweh is the same God that sent fiery serpents to punish the people of Israel for speaking against Him (Numbers 24:6). Yahweh is the same God that ravaged and struck the Philistines with tumors for stealing the Ark of God (1 Samuel 5:6). Yahweh is the same God that will judge the Earth (See all of Revelations). Do you get the picture?

As stated earlier, God loves us enough to offer the way of salvation. Despite what those who say “God is love’ declare, know that there is only one way to salvation. You cannot obtain salvation through: works, political slogans, political parties, Mary, Allah, Xenu, Scientology, the Mormon christ, the Mormon gods, the Jehovah witness god, Muhammad, Buddha, Zodiac signs, etc… It would be unloving of me to not tell you that. Christ is the only way to salvation. Believing and following Him is the only way to salvation. Christ loves us that much. That is love.

And as the Apostle Paul closed his letter in 2 Corinthians 13:14, so too will I close by saying, “May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.”

Unapologetically Christian Apologetics™

